Technical SEO

Invest In a Strong Digital Presence and Enjoy Higher Ranks on Search Results

Your bounce rate rises, and you lose important leads for every second your website takes to load. With the help of 5280 Software’s technical search engine optimization (SEO) solutions, you can enhance the functionality of your website and attract high-quality leads and visitors.

What Is the Significance of Technical SEO?

Technical SEO involves making sure your website complies with search engine requirements so that it may be easily scanned and indexed. A technical SEO audit’s primary objective is to evaluate your website’s existing SEO and identify the areas that need improvement for a smooth web presence.

Customer expectations have significantly altered throughout time, and search engines have advanced in sophistication. Around 3.5 billion people currently use smartphones worldwide, according to Statista. Google has updated its algorithm to give greater weight to mobile-friendliness and site performance when ranking websites in response to the significant increase in smartphone usage.

Today, Google may penalize websites with shoddy redirects, sluggish page loads, and bad information architecture. These technical SEO problems might cause a sharp decline in search ranks and organic traffic if they are not addressed. A drop in ranking might be bad for your company, given that the top organic search results get approximately 35% of hits.

Technical SEO: Your Journey Towards a Better Search Experience

The optimum user experience is the main objective driving algorithm adjustments. To do this, you must thoroughly understand technical SEO, what it comprises, and how you can use an SEO technical audit to ensure your website complies with industry benchmarks and search engine recommendations.

Loading time, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), robots exclusion standard (robots.txt), XML sitemap condition, and information quality are a few examples of technical on-page SEO elements. The effectiveness of your website online depends on these elements. Google claims that a 10-second page load time might cause a 123% rise in bounce rate. A one-second delay in the load time for a mobile website to load can result in a 20% loss in conversion rates, an 11% drop in page visits, and a 16% drop in client satisfaction.

Before addressing technical SEO issues, don’t wait until your site suffers negative SEO effects. Save time and money later on by investing in technical SEO for WordPress, eCommerce, and other content management systems (CMS).

To find out important details about technical SEO for WordPress and its importance to your business, schedule an introductory appointment with our technical SEO specialists.

Technical SEO for Improving Local Businesses

Improve Your SERP Rankings Without Wasting Resources

To increase the profit margins of your website in this cutthroat digital environment, you must keep up with the most recent technical on-page SEO strategies and algorithm changes. You can ensure your web pages are organized for both online visitors and search engine spiders by knowing what technical SEO is and what it requires. The following procedures are part of technical optimization SEO.

  • Crawl error report generation
  • Removing redundant material
  • The desired domain’s audit
  • Enhancing metadata
  • Examination of HTTPS status codes
  • Examining faulty connections
  • Making a sitemap in XML
  • Putting Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) into practice
  • Speeding up the website
  • The use of robots.txt
  • Website mobile optimization
  • Checking for redirects
  • Doing a site search on google


We recognize that maintaining your core business activities while negotiating the intricate needs and processes of technical optimization SEO may be time-consuming, expensive, and resource-intensive. Our technical SEO gurus are available to assist you because of this.

Does your website’s technical on-page SEO functionality interfere with how well it performs in organic searches? Let our technical SEO firm handle the laborious effort on your behalf. Realize your development potential by entrusting 5280 Software with your SEO technical assessment and optimization.

Technical SEO Solutions

Actionable and Composable SEO Strategies for An Enhanced Online Presence

Technical SEO Audit and Preliminary Inspection

To find and address the technical SEO problems with your website, we conduct a thorough technical SEO audit. Important checkpoints covered by the audit include mobile performance, backlink architecture, site speed, XML sitemap, indexation, crawl problems, robots.txt, and site architecture. We provide both short-term and long-term solutions based on the analytics data to enhance your website visitors’ experience and boost your search engine rankings.

Competition Research and Evaluation

Discover your conversion potential by thoroughly understanding your competitors’ optimization strategies. Moreover, the keyword performance, SERP rankings, social media presence, and technical and backlink architecture of your rivals are all evaluated by our technical SEO specialist. We may develop tactics that will give you a definite edge in your niche market through these procedures.

Meta Data Assessment

With meta tags that accurately describe the content of your website to both web visitors and search engines, you can increase your online exposure and traffic. In order to properly optimize your meta tags, title tags, meta keywords, alt attributes, and “robots” tags, 5280 Software does technical SEO for WordPress. This approach guarantees that no mishandled metadata will significantly degrade your SEO performance.

Image Optimization

Large pictures hinder the efficiency of your website and discourage users from engaging with it. With technical SEO for eCommerce, you may speed up your website’s loading time and gain more visitors. Our experts choose the appropriate file format, enhance your alt attributes, compress your files, use image sitemaps, and employ the right image optimization tools.

Speed Optimization

Your website’s ranking and your clients’ online experience are both impacted by page speed. To make your CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files smaller, our technical SEO professionals enable file compression. In addition, we speed up server response times, decrease redirection, make use of browser cache, and optimize your code.

Organized Data Markup

Use schema markup to make it simpler for search engines to crawl, understand, and display your material. The items on your website are highlighted, data tags are assigned, HTML is created, and schema markup is added. To evaluate your markup and identify any problems, our team makes use of Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

Relevant Keyword Implementation

The foundation of your digital marketing approach is keyword research. Find out about current market trends and customer behavior to ensure your website uses the right keywords. To assess your keyword ranks and optimize your web pages with effective search phrases, our SEO professionals research your niche and carry out technical SEO assessments.

Backlink Assessment

With technical SEO for eCommerce and other technologies, you may better comprehend the possibilities of your website’s online reputation and search ranking. Our staff conducts backlink studies to ensure you receive incoming links from reliable and high-authority websites. To find your referring websites, examine their site authority, and calculate the linked pages’ social share volume, we use various backlink information sources.

Penalty Recovery

Algorithm updates or black-hat technical SEO for WordPress might result in a Google penalty. Our SEO specialists use Google Search Console to determine the penalties that apply to your website, evaluate your backlink building plans, and address variations on the original web pages and content that Google crawls in order to assist you in recovering from a penalty. We also test each of your redirects to make sure they function properly.

Website Migration

Moving a website is a sensitive procedure. To prevent important losing traffic, create a solid migration strategy. As part of our SEO-friendly website migration services, we assess analytics efficiency, map all new URLs to the new domain, update all internal links, remove duplicate content, handle 404 pages, and track traffic and rankings.

Technical SEO Results That You Can See

Enhance Website Performance and Enjoy More Traffic with Technical SEO

Online success for WordPress and other CMS depends on technical SEO. You can identify website difficulties, take fast action to fix them, and ensure all SEO components are effectively functioning if you have a suitable technical optimization SEO plan.

Utilize our technical SEO services to your benefit to achieve sustainable, profitable development. When you work with our technical SEO business, you can enjoy the following:

Detailed Preliminary Website Audits

The effectiveness of your website is the product of several factors working together. For your technical SEO, sponsored campaign, conversion rate optimization (CRO), backlink profile, analytics, and rivalry, 5280 Software does thorough site audits. We then base our business judgments on data and study.

Technical SEO Specialists

5280 Software is a highly regarded technical SEO business in the market. Google-certified SEO experts on our team will supervise your project from project evaluation to project conclusion. To guarantee that our services are effective, we discover, organize, and carry out data-driven technical SEO suggestions and keep up with current market trends.

Comprehensive and Turnkey SEO Solutions

With SEO strategies suited to your branding, you can future-proof your website and increase conversion rates. For franchises, Amazon, local companies, Shopify, and eCommerce websites, we offer technical SEO services. Our staff removes anything that makes your website run slowly, enhances the content of your pages, and humanizes your brand to make it appealing to both online visitors and search engines.

Detailed Reporting and Meaningful Analytics

Keep an eye on all of your online actions and monitor the success of your SEO campaigns. Our team uses analytics to acquire useful information and get your desired outcomes. To be aware of your marketing strengths, limitations, and possibilities, we also offer frequent consultations, email updates, and monthly reports.

Goal-Oriented Initiatives

 We ascertain and examine your present marketing status, marketing goals, and expectations during our introductory meeting. We can also guarantee that our SEO strategies align with your objectives. Our team also uses various distribution channels to boost traffic and leads to your website.

Successful Background

To help businesses around the U.S. boost their online presence, our technical SEO firm has teamed with hundreds of businesses. By doing detailed SEO technical audits and putting into practice results-driven SEO techniques, we were able to locate and address several reoccurring site issues. Learn more from our clients directly about the caliber of our technical SEO services.

Choose 5280 Software and Enhance Your SEO

Achieve Top SERP Rankings with our Professional Technical SEO Solutions