5 Reasons Why Images are Important for Your Website

Designing a website can be a challenging task especially if you are a beginner. An expert web design company that will provide responsive website design services that will help you gain new customers and add to your revenue. Most people think when it comes to images, they are only used to enhance the beauty of […]
Website Design – How Important is a Personal Website?

Today, almost everything is going online. This is a good thing because you can easily access information as long as you have internet connectivity. Owning a website is becoming a necessity for almost every business owner. But as an individual, you can use this as an opportunity to join a profitable trend. A personal website […]
WordPress Blog Post Comments: Pros and Cons

Are you wondering whether to enable comments on your blog? There are many debates and arguments among bloggers for or against allowing users to post comments. You will be surprised to find that leaders in the blogging industry do not have a clear and firm stance on this issue. Many digital marketing strategies include the […]
WordPress Blogs: How to Increase Your Page Views

If numbers do not lie, then getting more page views on your WordPress blog is a good indication that you have a great readership. A blog that is doing good attracts between 20 to 100 daily views. Your blog is above average if you can achieve at least 50,000 blog page views within a month. […]
10 Ways to Keep Your Blog Content Fresh

Content is the meat of your website and the face of your business. Since change is constant, blog content slowly becomes outdated and eventually loses its charm. New facts would beat the authenticity of your content which Google may interpret as misleading content, which can harm your brand reputation and SEO ranking. You need to […]